Jack Daniels BBQ Meatloaf (oven or crockpot)

The Menu:
Jack Daniels BBQ Meatloaf

The Original Recipe:
I have made this before, but I have never shared it. I made it again the other day with some baked beans and rice as side dishes and it was just soooo good! I made mine in the crockpot! I prepared it as directed, but then I stuck it in the crockpot on low for 4 hours. YUMMY!

Jack Daniels BBQ Meatloaf


1 cup Chopped onion
 1 t Olive oil
¼ tsp Salt
 1/8 tsp Black pepper
½ tsp Dried thyme leaves
2 t Worcestershire sauce
1/3 cup Chicken stock
 1 tbls. tomato paste
2pound Ground beef
1 cup Coarse dry bread crumbs
2 Large eggs
 1/3 cup Jack Daniels BBQ sauce
½ small onion, thinly sliced (optional)


Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a medium saute’ pan, on medium-low heat, cook the onions, olive oil, salt, pepper and tyme until the onions are translucent but not browned..approx. 15 min. Add the Worcestershire sauce, chicken stock and tomato paste and mix well. Allow to cool to room temp. Combine the ground beef, bread crumbs, eggs and onion mixture in a large bowl. Mix well and shape into a rectangular loaf in a greased pan (8x8). Spread theBBQ sauce evenly on top. Scatter the thinly sliced onions over the top of the BBQ sauce. Bake uncovered for roughly 1 hour until meatloaf is cooked through. * I prepared meatloaf as above, but then stuck it in the crockpot on low for 4 hours.


Tryna said…
Made this yesterday and both my husband and 2 year old loved it. This is the only way my hubby wants me to make meatloaf from now on. Thanks for a great recipe!