A little Bit about Me

2019 update: I started this blog back in 2008. It has been 11 years in the making, and I have made a lot of recipes since then! I had even started my own Cottage Food Baking business back in 2017. I have since closed it down, but what a whirlwind of fun. I have grown so much in these past 11 years of cooking and baking that I must revisit some of these recipes and update them! Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking using some of the ingredients I did. A person sure can grow a lot in their cooking over time! Be on the lookout for new things to come! 

Via 2008:  Being a mom, I am always cooking and trying out new recipes. I am not great at picture taking, but I believe my pictures show what an average moms cooking looks like. Some of the recipes start out as my own, and most of them come from another source, but all of them  usually become my own in the end. I have this habit of loving to cook, and I just cannot keep my fingers from picking up different ingredients to make it my own recipe. I hope you enjoy watching my dishes "transform" from one original recipe to what my family loves about the way I cook. My dishes have that little something extra special from mom. Some people might call it home-made, but I like to call it mom-made.

Check out more on my Instagram Page!